Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Black Pentecostal Voting Patterns - Eugene Rivers (NBC)

I just stumbled onto this interesting clip from the NBC Nightly News of an interview with Rev. Eugene Rivers regarding the way many African American Pentecostals vote for liberal candidates in contrast to their Causasian counterparts. I wish I could have seen the rest of this interview, dated December 18th. Thanks to Carl Thomas of for pointing the way to this.

Over at the futureag blog, there is some interesting conversation going on in response to River's statements.

Here are a series of videos from BET that tell the life story of this unusual IV & V are specially good, but after you watch them, you will probably want to watch the others...!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this "series" on Eugene was fantastic!
I hadn't even heard of him; I found this on Google.

Unknown said...

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Robert Wright